Free Walking Tour Bari | The First

by Free Walking Tour Italia

Genuine, friendly, enthusiastic

We are passionate about what we do. We show and let the city talk for itself in order to create bonds both with the local people and urban scenery.

Striking, lively, independent

We like to adventure off the beaten tracks, travel the world and discover its most authentic places. Through our values, we encourage a cultural model which is affordable and generative.

Acknowledged, creative, dynamic

Bari is where we live and where we decided to work together to enforce the best practice. We believe in people who are at the heart of every initiative we take.

FREE WALKING TOUR BARI | The first and original free walking tour in Bari

Learn about the origins of Bari visiting its historic districts: the old town and Murat district, where everything began. The First is our most appreciated tour!
While crossing the city center, you will find yourself walking through centuries of history and learn how all different cultural influences cross each other’s paths. Along the way we will meet locals and share conversations about their everyday life.

Are you ready for your first free walking tour in Bari? Get ready for engaging games, historical testimonies and poetry readings!

  • Group: min. 4 max. 20 participants
  • When: reservation is mandatory. Book to get in touch with us
  • Where: Lungo Mare Augusto Imperatore 23, Bari  (meeting point:
  • Lenght: 4km
  • Duration: 2.30 hours  
  • Price: Pay what you want (free donation)

Questions & Answers

Hi, we are a little group of 7 people willing to do a tour in Bari. Can we join your free tour?

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Fabelhafter Zwischenstopp in Bari!

Während einem Salento und Basilikata Roadtrip haben wir uns kurzfristig entschieden auf dem Rückweg Halt in Bari zu machen. Wir haben eine private Tour auf Deutsch mit Anna gebucht und waren begeistert. Sie war sehr engagiert und extrem ortskundig und wir hätten gut noch mehr als 2.5 Stunden mit ihr Bari erkunden können. Besonders das Centro Storico hätten wir ohne Anna nicht in diesem Umfang erfassen können. Sie hat uns mit ihrer Liebe für Bari wirklich angesteckt und wir waren sehr traurig nicht mehr Zeit für die Stadt gehabt zu haben. Würden durchaus an mehr Events der Firma teilnehmen!

Ricci freschi ore 11:30 - & more

Recensisco la visita guidata del 02/01/23 con Claudia: abbiamo fatto un tour ibrido The Jungle/The First, che ci ha permesso di scoprire sia il centro storico, con i suoi edifici simbolo (teatri, piazze e chiese ricche di storia), sia i luoghi più frequentati dai giovani baresi nonché dai cittadini interessati ad avere voce in capitolo nelle scelte riguardanti la trasformazione edilizia di stabili, parchi e quartieri. Oltre a nutrire i nostri occhi, abbiamo anche assaggiato alcune leccornie tipiche, come i ricci appena pescati al porto, i classici taralli ed orecchiette realizzate dalle mani esperte delle signore baresi. Claudia si è dimostrata una guida impeccabile: competente, coinvolgente e disponibile ad ascoltare e soddisfare tutte le nostre richieste. Esperienza indimenticabile e consigliatissima!


Fabrizio gave us a spectaculair tour of Bari (3rd of August) his enthousiasm Made it a wonderful experience, we recommend this freewalkingtour whole heartedly!

Top walking tour met Fabrizio!!!

Een echte aanrader!!!
Van de eerste tot de laatste minuut genoten van deze rondleiding.
Fabrizio is een gids uit de duizend.

Great tour

Amazing tour :)