Free Walking Tour Verona: a new beginning!

After a brief stop-over, Free Walking Tour Verona is finally back and completely renewed. The proverb “you need to change to stay the same” probably is the best description of the metamorphosis we have been going through. We had the feeling Free Walking Tour Verona had reach a very important point in the touristic panorama of the city but something was missing out.

We decided therefore to start from the basics and redefine all the aspects of the activity, from the itinerary, to the way of leading the tour, from the marketing aspects to the branding. One of the crucial points has been the introduction of a new guide, fully certified, with a deep knowledge of the city and a big smile on her face.

Strategically important has been also the renewed cooperation with the network Free Walking Tour Italia, which supported us in the design of a new and better defined marketing strategy. A lot has to be done, and more surprises are yet to come, but for the moment we are simply happy to welcome again tourists in Verona,  show them this fantastic city in the way we see it, and for them to be able to fully enjoy it!

Seeing is believing, we invite you all to come and join our Free Walking Tour Verona: every week, from Tuesday to Friday at 10.30 am in Piazza Bra (close to the Vittorio Emanuele statue, the man on the horse).

For bookings and more information on the tour, visit:  

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