Modena Renaissance | Secrets and Gossips of the Dukes of Este

by Free Walking Tour Italia

We are at the time of 'Comuni': back then Modena was the capital of a semi-independent dukedom and it was ruled by the family of Este. The story says that Ercole III d'Este, better known as "big nose", was a very bizarre character: he was more fascinated by the pleasure of a frivolous life than the strict rules of the Palace. He preferred to go out in the night, camuflaging himself among the population, and spend long time with his lovers. As you can see, the story of the Dukes of Este, full of anecdotes and secrets, is also the Renaissance story, flourishing and alive. This is the city we have decided to narrate you in this special event. We will go through the vicissitudes of the Este family and its most memorable characters, walking through the buildings and streets which made them well-known.

  • When: Sunday 20th of March at 3.30 pm; Wednesday 4th of May at 7.00 pm
  • Meeting Point: Piazza Grande (nearby the Pietra Ringadora)
  • Leght: 2.00 h
  • Itinerary: Town Hall, via Farini, Ducal Palace, Church of San Domenico, Academy of Arts, Corso CanalGrande, Ducal Gardens, Santa Margherita Palace, Ciro Menotti's house, Pavarotti Theatre, Church of San Vincenzo
  • Language: italian (english for groups only)

Questions & Answers

Hi, your cultural tour sounds amazing. Do you run the tour according to a schedule or can be reserved anytime?

Hi, thanks for your questions. The displayed dates refers to the appointment we schedule only for italian guests. If you wish to take the tour in english, we would be more than glad to organize it for you. The price might change according to the number of people attending. Take into consideration that 10€ is the price per person for groups around 20/25 people.

Hi, we would like to join to one of the appointed dates. Is the tour only in italian?

Hi, you are free to join us but the tour is exclusively in italian. If you wish to have it in english, we must schedule it for another time. It's still possible, just write us.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
È proprio vero che non si finisce mai di imparare 😉!

È stato un tour veramente piacevole!

Nuove scoperte e consapevolezze

In 2 ore Loredana ci ha accompagnato lungo 7 secoli di storia della famiglia d'Este, facendoci guardare intorno e scoprire tracce ancora evidenti del loro passaggio e delle vicende che hanno avuto luogo nel centro di Modena. Percorso interessantissimo, ci ha reso più consapevoli di ciò che è accaduto sul suolo che calpestiamo ogni giorno :)

Maria Renata Barbieri
Segreti e Gossip

Oggi abbiamo fatto il tour Gossip della famiglia Estense con Loredana, molto bello ben raccontato e coinvolgente. Bellissimo pomeriggio in centro a Modena!

Alberto Monari
Guida preparata e tour interessante

Guida molto interessante su argomento poco usuale. Loredana si è dimostrata molto preparata e a suo agio nell'esposizione. Seguirò le prossime iniziative sperando di poter partecipare ancora.