
A new beginning: Free Walking Tour Bergamo arises

A new beginning: Free Walking Tour Bergamo arises

Free Walking Tour Bergamo has now come to a new life!

Every Saturday (in english) and Sunday (in italian) you can now join this amazing walk of Bergamo Alta. The tour starts in Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe at 11.00 am, at the exit of the Cable Railway (look for the red pointer on your right)

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Inside Pisa's Miracle

Inside Pisa's Miracle

The Italian eclectic poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, who saw it from a plane, was the first to coin the expression "Prato dei Miracoli", for its white marble monuments on the surrounding green lawn. From then on, Piazza del Duomo, its original...

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A scuola di Free Walking Tour

A scuola di Free Walking Tour

Le guide del Free Tours Cagliari ci raccontano la loro esperienza con le classi dell'istituto tecnico superiore per il tursimo "E. Mattei" di Decimomannu. Quando il Free Walking Tour diventa un modello sperimentale e innovativo di progettazione alternativa e ponte tra scuola, lavoro e territorio.
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